Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Tuesday, 29th of May

Tuesday, 29. of May. An awesome day when a little supergirl didn`t came to school. She "accidentaly broke her leg" right on a day of our French test. How pathetic is that :)? Anyway, i missed her so much. Her and her mean looks, sneaky laughter, sycophanting and other great things she does everyday. I guess that`s the most reasonable motiv why we all love her so much. Everybody knows she`s the most beautiful girl on the planet. We wouldnt have known that if she hadnt told us. But she is also the cleaner. She told us that too. Toilet cleaner if I`m more specific :P. And of course the best dancer ever. Ever ever. The reason why she didnt win the national competition is that her male dancer isnt good enough. Yup, thats her. Now u all can know the reason she is a super girl right? :) (she could be excellent in school but u know... "teachers jutr dont like her".... and she is great in languages but too bad she never gets an a. or b... rarely c. u know, if she`lucky ;D)

I have to admit. I`m her biggest fan and im sure Tjaša is right behind me :) One day we would like to become the same supergirls. God knows if we can make it. :)

Mhm... what so u say? Could be better :S Maybe u should write sth about her. Yes, that`s it :)

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